Lynn Nurseries

Plant Nursery Lichfield

Usual opening hours 10am to 5pm daily
Please call ahead to ensure that the shop is open

Phone 01543 481918

We’re Back!

Pre-order your Christmas tree now! This autumn we’re back in business after a few months away for health reasons. Thanks to all those for their support and help, and all of those that got in touch to wish us well!


Hanging baskets

If the day seems a bit dark and cheerless, think about hanging baskets for instant color and fun.  Orders now being taken. 


Keeping busy

Still very busy sorting out after the tenant.  Decided to get ready for Christmas early.  Am decorating 3 trees in the shop to make it look festive.  Trees have been ordered.  Had a bit of a hiccup on the baubles front.  Can’t get the ones that I need.  The local warehouse is selling mainly glass […]